front of lodge with sign that says Greenville Optimist Camp

Greenville Optimist Camp for Persons with Disabilities

The Greenville Optimist Camp for Persons with Disabilities is a summer camp which serves adults and children who have received or are receiving Special Education services, regardless of age or ability to pay. The Camp is an overnight tent camping experience and offers fishing, boating, swimming, arts/crafts, nature experiences, trips, and nightly campfires.

The Camp provides weekly sessions by age group and is open to any family in the local service area.

The upcoming camping season is quickly approaching and planning is underway to provide the high-quality camp experience that Greenville Optimist Camp Wah-Wah-Tay-See (WWTS) is known for. Part of that planning involves identifying about $73,000, which is the cost of running the Camp. We are grateful to many individuals, businesses, and organizations that have stepped up this year and contributed to this very worthwhile endeavor.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lori Johnson at (616) 236-1037, or via email at loriJ@8cap.org. Camp phone (during camp only) is (616) 754-1376.

All donations to the Greenville Optimist Camp WWTS for Persons with Disabilities will be used to provide “camperships” to individuals that might not be able to afford the entire cost of attending camp. The cost of one camper to attend one session of camp is $250. We do ask families and campers to pay what they can, but we do not want to turn anyone away because of an inability to pay. Any amount that you can donate would be greatly appreciated! Donations will be made to EightCAP, Inc., which is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, so your donations may be tax deductible. EightCAP, Inc. is a Community Action Agency.

Bunk ($2000+)

Corporate Sponsors
  • Bill Braman Fund (GACF)
  • Dr. John O’Donald
  • Smiles for Life Foundation

Bonfire ($1,000-$1,999)

  • Greenville Tool and Die
  • Greenville Lions Club

Buddy ($500-$999)

Corporate Sponsors
  • Community First Federal Credit Union
  • Isabella Bank
  • Mersen USA Greenville, MI

Tent Buddy ($300+)

Maureen Austin
Barbara Bol
Gerald & Lynn Bolster
Roger Coles
Michael & Rhea Dow
Max & Melissa Gustin
Dean & Kaye Jensen
John McCrackin
Donald & Julie Momber
Richard & Linda Sowerby
Linda Stafford
Robert & Susan Stafford
Jody & Kris Wilkes

Campfire Friend ($100-299)

Larry Anstett
Alison Barberi
Virgil & Connie Biggs
Ronald & Dianne Cochrun
Kevin & Holly Cook
Judy Emmons
Frances Gibbs
Judy Gustin
Mark Gustin
Helen Hamler
Bob Hemmingsen
Donna Johnson
Robert McCarty
Doris Miller
James & Kimberly Owens
Cheryl Pell
Heidi Petersen
John & Karen Riemer
Carol Sorensen
Donald & Karen Stearns
Wilma Stevens

Canoe Partner ($50-99)

Gary & Debra Huch
Keith & Jean Hudson
Donna Jorgensen
Timothy & Amy O’Brien
Douglas McFadden
Homer & Judy Shrader
Vincent Corner

Fishing Companion ($49 or Less)

Vernon & Mindy Adams
Bruce & Dawna Ames
Betty Awere
Connie Borton
Debra Bush
Bill & Jan Butler
Marti Duryea
Lawrence & Debra Kassuba
John & Sandra McKerchie
Gregory & Brenda Miller
John & Jean Nielsen
Anthony & Susan Powell
Sherry Race
Jeffrey & Janet Sebela
James & Joycelyn Sharp
Bea Smith
Jeff Wilhelm

office hours

M-F: 8am - 4:30pm


5827 Orleans Road
Orleans MI 48865

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