
Food Support

The Commodity Supplemental Foods Program is available for individuals 60 and over who meet income guidelines. Click the buttons in this section for more information on income guidelines, distribution sites and schedule, or to access an application.

The Senior Project Fresh Program provides fresh fruits and vegetables, and nutrition education to older adults.

Eligible participants receive $25 in coupons and free nutrition education to spend on fresh fruits and vegetables at local farmer’s markets and roadside stands. Benefits must be obtained in the county in which the applicant lives. This program runs from May 1st to October 31st.

Who is eligible?

– Residents who are aged 60 or older with a total maximum household income of $27,861 for an individual, or $37,814 for a couple, are eligible to apply for the program.

– Residents who are aged 55 or older who belong to a Michigan federally recognized tribe or urban tribal group are also eligible.

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