
Foster Grandparents – Senior Companions

Foster Grandparent description:

Foster Grandparent Program exists for the dual purpose of engaging persons 55 and better, particularly those with limited incomes, in volunteer service to meet critical community needs; and to provide a high quality experience that will enrich the lives of the volunteers; and to provide supportive, person to person services to children with exceptional or special needs.

About Foster Grandparents:

Foster Grandparents are volunteers who serve in schools, head start centers, and other community-based sites that provide programming for children. Volunteers serve a minimum of 10 hours a week. Grandparents help children with physical and /or mental disabilities and may teach reading to children falling behind their grade level.

Foster Grandparents must be 55 years of age or better and meet established income eligibility guidelines. In addition to a tax-free hourly stipend, they receive accident, personal liability, excess automobile insurance coverage, and assistance with the cost of transportation, recognition, a meal or equivalent each day of service, and orientation and monthly in-service training.

Senior Companion description:

Senior Companions help home-bound clients with chores such as paying bills, buying groceries, finding transportation to medical appointments, or tutor to increase literacy proficiency. They can provide a few hours of respite for a caregiver. In institutional settings, such as foster care or convalescents facilities, they assist with activities designed to help patients regain their independence, and reduce their feelings of loneliness and depression. Senior Companions receive training in how to assist persons diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, diabetes, mental illness, etc. and when to alert doctors and family members to potential health problems.

About Senior Companions:

Senior Companions enrich the lives of those they serve. It may be just a few hours of reminiscing, sharing a cup of coffee, a trip to the grocery store, finding needed resources for their clients, playing cards, games, or allowing the caregiver a few hours of much-needed respite. These simple acts will help their clients achieve and maintain their highest level of independent living.

Senior Companion requirements are that you are at least 55 years of age, meet income eligibility, and are willing to serve 10 hours a week. No other experience or educational requirements are needed to become a Senior Companion Volunteer.

Following 20 hours of pre-service orientation training, Senior Companions are assigned to adults with special or exceptional needs.

Stephanie Rockafellow, Manager
Foster Grandparent Program
Senior Companion Program

Karen Dastick
Volunteer Coordinator
Foster Grandparent Program

Tammie Dann
Volunteer Coordinator
Senior Companion Program

EightCAP, Inc. Annex
906 Oak Drive – Turk Lake
Greenville, MI 48838
(616) 754-9315

Program provides services in Ionia, Mecosta, Montcalm, and Osceola counties

AmeriCorps, a federal agency, brings people together to tackle the country’s most pressing challenges through national service and volunteering. AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers serve with organizations dedicated to the improvement of communities. AmeriCorps helps make service to others a cornerstone of our national culture. Learn more at AmeriCorps.gov.

office hours

M-F: 8am - 4:30pm


5827 Orleans Road
Orleans MI 48865

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